Top 5 Challenges of Being a High Achiever

Jun 07, 2023
Challenges of Being a High Achiever

It takes a lot of energy to be a high achiever! Because the mindset of a high achiever is often driven by a desire for success, recognition, or a sense of purpose,  they are highly motivated and dedicated to achieving their goals. However, this same drive can also lead to burnout or resentment if not managed properly.
Because high achievers enjoy being busy,  they may have a hard time letting go, asking for help, delegating, or outsourcing work to others. They may also struggle with having unstructured time that doesn’t have a specific outcome, goal, or destination attached to it.

One of my clients, Laura, felt especially frustrated after she had her first child, because she was used to being able to check a ton of boxes off her to-do list each day, both at work and at home. She had a high powered career, and she was accustomed to being seen as a highly accomplished and prolific writer.

The early years of trying to balance career and parenthood left her wondering what was wrong with her, and why she couldn’t do as much as she was used to doing. We spent a lot of time talking about how the balance of “achievement” shifts when our roles shift. When we take on more in other parts of our lives, sometimes the most important thing to achieve can be a good night’s sleep!

Here are the top 5 ways high achievers can take on too much and get in their own way:

1. Overwork and exhaustion

High achievers may feel pressure to work long hours, take on too many projects or responsibilities, or neglect their own needs for rest and self-care. This can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, making it difficult to sustain their level of achievement over time.


2. Perfectionism and self-criticism

High achievers may have high standards for themselves and be self-critical when they fall short of these expectations. This can create a cycle of perfectionism and self-doubt that can be difficult to break, leading to feelings of burnout, high achiever anxiety, or depression.

3. Lack of balance and perspective

High achievers may become so focused on their goals that they lose perspective on other areas of their life, such as their relationships, health, or personal interests. This lack of balance can lead to feelings of being trapped or unfulfilled.

4. Unrealistic expectations

High achievers may overpromise things to themselves or others, leading to disappointment, frustration, or resentment when these expectations are not met.


5. External pressure and criticism

High achievers may experience (real and imagined) pressure from others to maintain their high level of performance. This can lead to refusing to take rest time as needed, or saying yes to more than they actually want to take on. As a result, many high achievers grow to feel resentful or under appreciated over time.

Using your High Achieving Energy for Good

It's important for high achievers to recognize these potential pitfalls and to take steps to avoid high achiever burnout and resentment. This might include setting realistic goals, delegating more, prioritizing self-care,  establishing boundaries, seeking support from others, and maintaining a healthy perspective on their achievements and priorities.

Are you a high performer feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed in your career? If so, we invite you to take our 5 question career quiz to help you identify what might not be working in your current work environment. This is the first step to making changes into a career that will help you thrive and feel re-energized.


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