Five Signs You’re Probably a Results-driven High Achiever

Jun 07, 2023
High Achiever

Chances are, if you found this article, you are probably a results-driven high achiever, and maybe even consider yourself as an Over-Achiever. I have worked with many action-oriented clients who pride themselves on being able to take on a lot of work and reliably get it done in a short period of time.

One of my clients, Mira, was the first to turn in her assignments in school, got excellent grades, worked a part time job all the way through grad school, then set herself on a career path that was all about getting big things done. She wasn’t motivated by trying to be the best; she was motivated by wanting to always do her best.

By the time we started working together, she was in her early 40’s and starting to question what that meant in relationship to having a life outside of work. She wanted to start running, but she didn’t have enough time to make room for self-care on top of her busy schedule. She also wasn’t sure if she’d just be able to run as a hobby, or if this new activity would take on a life and obligations of its own.

Feel familiar? Check out these Top 5 signs of high achievers and see if they resonate with you.

Common traits of high achievers

1. Setting and meeting ambitious goals

High achievers tend to set themselves challenging goals that require significant effort, focus, and dedication to achieve. They thrive on the energy that comes with having meaningful goals to meet, especially when they can beat a previous record.

2. Strong work ethic and perseverance

High achievers take pride in getting the work done, and are very willing to put in the time and effort required to achieve their goals. They are typically highly disciplined and organized, and often have a clear plan or strategy for reaching their objectives. Many high achievers thrive when they can work alone rather than in a team, because they enjoy the predictability of relying on themselves.

3. Consistent high level performance

High achievers are also called high performers. They tend to consistently do “their thing” very well, often surpassing expectations and producing excellent results. Their reliability and dependability can be a hallmark characteristic.

4.  Effective time management

High achievers tend to be very effective at managing their time and resources, often juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities with ease. People often wonder how high achievers can get so much done in a day, and one of their secrets is their ability to prioritize and focus.

5. They’re the pinch hitter

You can call on them in any situation to fill in, and you know they will show up on time and ready for action every time.

Workplaces that Compliment a High Achiever Mindset

High achievers excel at setting and meeting ambitious goals, demonstrating strong work ethic and perseverance, performing at consistently high-levels, and managing their time like rock stars. People count on you to get things done, and sometimes that can feel a bit overwhelming, both at work and at home. The same drive that leads you to be a high achiever can also lead to problems with high achievers like burnout or resentment if not managed properly.

Are you a high performer feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed in your career? If so, we invite you to take our 5 question career quiz to help you identify what might not be working in your current work environment. This is the first step to making changes into a career that will help you thrive and feel re-energized.

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